Space Marine Paint Guide

Click the Space Marine to see the paints used!

Click on the Paint to shop them!

Space Marine

Army Name & Motto Generator

Generate a unique name, motto, and paint scheme for your army!

Army Name: -

Motto: -

Recommended Paint Scheme:

Space Marine Customizer

Apply your selected colors from above to a Space Marine template.

Demo currently only supports a simple Space Marine sample for straightforward demonstration purposes.

Agrax Earthshade Balthasar Gold Armageddon Dust Abaddon Black Macragge Blue Corax White
Corax White Wraithbone Armageddon Dust Thunderhawk Blue Naggaroth Night Magos Purple
Technical Astrogranite Retributor Armour Kantor Blue Corax White Agrax Earthshade Leadbelcher
Technical Astrogranite Agrax Earthshade Khorne Red Steel Legion Drab Rakarth Flesh Leadbelcher